Bobby Jones

In 1989, the world was introduced to the Bobby Jones brand which embodied the modern country club lifestyle and was a celebration of Robert Tyre Jones, Jr. Simple math will tell you that Bobby Jones will celebrate 30 years in 2019. There are not many brands today that can or will be able to make that statement, so we take great pride in joining that small fraternity. Fashion is a funny thing at times and rarely do you ever hear longevity and fashion in the same sentence….probably not on the same page. More often, fashion fades but style endures.
There was a unique and broad appeal to Bobby Jones and he was a man with great personal style. Alistair Cooke said “On both sides of the Atlantic, he was idolized and by people who knew no golf, for his God-given combination of flashing good looks, wry humor and unflagging modesty. He became, and remained till the day of his death, the First Gentleman of golf.” According to Herbert Warren Wind, “There was something about him – how he looked and spoke and acted – that communicated itself to non-golfers as well as to golfers, and also to people in all walks of life.”
We believe longevity is a function of character, integrity, respect, consistency and an unwavering pursuit of excellence. These are very often the words used to describe Bobby Jones, the man, and we are fortunate to have him as our inspiration. These are also the words we challenge ourselves with every day, in each endeavor, no matter how big or small. These are the words that we believe will carry us for another 25 years.
As part of the celebration of the 30th anniversary, we’ve taken great care to bring to you an inspired collection of products. These products capitalize on technology to deliver a modern and relevant point of view while honoring the legacy of Bobby Jones and delivering on the promise of enduring style. Our team will work hard to earn your respect, earn your trust, earn your business and just as important, earn your friendship.